Dieting, Science, and What It Really Takes To Lose

13 Apr

Is dieting science an exact methodology? It is something that we can study and prove what works and what doesn’t? Dr. Jules Hirsch, a professor and physician at Rockefeller University, has been researching obesity for nearly 60 years.

In a recent Q&A with New York Times he discusses the newest study from Journal of the American Medical Association that presents findings that suggests people on a high-fat, high-protein diet will burn calories than those eating more carbohydrates. In his own study, he found that this is not the case.

Does he reveal the magic? No. The truth is that there will always be new diets that claim to be the solution. In his own studies, there was virtually no difference between caloric intake and types of calories when comparing high fat and low fat diets. However, he does talk about genetics playing a big factor. We do know that early on in life, your genetic makeup and hormones determine whether you will store more fat than another person. Some bodies are just programed to store more fat.

So what does this dieting science mean for dieters? It means several things. For one, if you want to lose weight, you have to cut your calorie intake. You have to exercise. It means that some people are going to have to make dramatic lifestyle changes to maintain weight loss, especially if their genetic code is wired for fat storage. It means some of us are going to have to be highly disciplined and keep a diet journal for decades where others may be able to live more flexibly. There is no one miracle diet, there’s just the lifestyle that you find works best for you.

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