Vacation Planning for Smooth Sailing, Start to Finish
Vacations are for relaxation. It may seem overly stressful to write a list and to actually use it, but it is the best way to stay organized, reduce stress and actually have the vacation you dreamed of instead of the one that was convenient. You can start by asking and answering a few of the vacation planning questions listed below as a starting point.
First, who are you taking with you? And, second, what will you do? The answer to this question lies in who you will be taking with you. It seems like a couple of odd lead questions, but from their answers you will be able to determine all others. If this vacation will be just you and your spouse, you and your friends, you and the kids, you and majority of your extended family for a wedding or reunion that you’re desperately trying to turn into a holiday, then it will determine where you will stay, how much free time you’ll have to actually relax and how stress management will be factored into the whole week or weekend.
Third, where will you go? Not everyone loves the beach, not everyone appreciates the culture of an ancient city, not everyone loves amusement park rides and not everyone is in wonderment about the Wonders of the World. So what will you see and do?
Fourth, just where will you stay? There are hotels, RV friendly camp grounds, villas, and relatives’ guest rooms all across this country and around the world.
And, how will you prepare for the place, the housing, the activities and the company? The answer is the last but not least item on your vacation planning list: you! Well, you have to take your wellbeing into consideration. From head to toe, how will you continue to take care of yourself while you are away from the routine of home? De-clutter your mind so you can sleep, take care of your feet so you can walk around the city, and pamper yourself so you go home more relaxed than when you left. Now that’s a vacation planned well.